- Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Virginia must disqualify Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their electors. The Democrats’ win of the electoral and popular vote in this election is irrelevant in the current environment of insurrection and rebellion orchestrated by Mr. Biden, a past senator and vice president who has given aid or comfort to enemies of the United States.

Altering and violating election law nationwide to oust President Trump was expected and popularly supported by Biden backers. According to traditional and social media, few things were as popular leading up to the election as booting “dictator” Trump from office. The Biden-Harris campaign wasn’t about winning over more people’s votes; it was about taking people’s votes because doing so was possible.

Hillary Clinton made the same mistake. She took the Obama-Biden army’s work for granted and simply expected everyone to fall in line. Her arrogance cost her the 2016 election in locations where nobody was prepared to pad the vote. More people than necessary were prepared this time around (and in more locations than necessary), but the padding was too obvious. It was uncoordinated and overdone. As a result, we all heard that it had taken place — to such a degree that it might have affected the election outcome in at least one state.

Mr. Biden’s mistake is gloating. It’s as if he enjoys stealing the win more than he likes being the “winner.” He wants everyone to know, approve and participate in his deception. It will likely prove impossible to find direct evidence of any of the vote padding, but Mr. Biden’s followers have emulated him and many have been gloating, too. But the evidence is on the front page of every major newspaper. And it’s extensive. Thousands of people have engaged in criminal behavior under Mr. Biden’s leadership.

Verifiability of results is necessary for fair elections. Perceived verifiability of election results is necessary to the viability of a nation. Both have been shattered by the Biden-Harris rebellion. Voter confidence may never be regained. So much for the U.S. Constitution and law and order.


Arlington, Va.

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