- Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Joe Biden is acting carelessly, foolishly and recklessly. He has already shown his flagrant disrespect for the law by “crowning” himself and Kamala Harris president- and vice-president-elect, respectively. It will be a sad day in this country when “near” compliance with rules and statutes is deemed good enough.

Mr. Biden is having conversations with foreign leaders about what he plans to do after the inauguration. In so doing, he is interfering with delicate matters that are solely the province of the president, which he is not.

He and/or his handlers are openly and notoriously compiling “enemies lists,” for retaliation against people whose only crime is being aligned with or a supporter of President Trump. Mr. Biden has a law degree and should know better. Yet, he seems to have forgotten that Richard Nixon’s exposed secret-enemies list was one of the factors that got him a premature exit from the White House.

Furthermore, in world history it is well known that enemies lists have voracious appetites. They have a way of expanding from those deemed enemies of an administration to enemies of the state, requiring no more than an accusation to support the charge and punishment.

In spite of the efforts of the Democratic propaganda media machine and Big Tech to cover up evidence of Mr. Biden’s links to corrupt financial dealings abroad through his son, a day of reckoning is coming — and it’s coming regardless of who occupies the White House. Mr. Biden could find himself “recused” or “resigned” from the presidency due to blatant conflicts of interest.


Silver Spring, Md.

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