- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sen. Chuck Schumer told a crowd of New Yorkers who were celebrating the idea of a Joe Biden White House that, “Now we take Georgia; then we change the world.”

Take heed. That’s a dark warning. That’s a dark warning about the runoffs in Georgia set for decision in January.

It’s the musings of a man who represents a movement filled with anti-American forces who’ve been trying to undercut this country’s sovereignty and shred its system of limited government — of democratic-republic government — of government where individual rights come from God — for years. Decades, even.

And for all the types out there who gasp in mock scorn at the idea of That! ever coming Here! — of that socialist-slash-communist-slash-collectivist government, a la Cuba or Venezuela government hitting here, the shores of America — well, wake up. It’s here. It’s been here, slowly seeping into America’s culture then politics for years. It’s just not been quite so open or quite so widespread.

It’s poised to coalesce and go public under a Biden-Kamala Harris administration.

Just ask Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who called in a tweet for red-flagging of “Trump sycophants” so as to shut them down when “they try to downplay or deny their complicity” in Trump-type agendas.

That tweet was followed by the announcement of a Trump Accountability Project to “make sure,” as the former Democratic National Committee press secretary, Hari Sevugan put it, “anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.”

Held responsible?

Is reeducation camp in the works?

Rhetoric matters. It reveals what the left is really thinking — no matter what “time to heal” Joe Biden is saying.

And the rhetoric is pointing the way to utter topsy-turvy-ing of America’s Constitution. Kamala Harris, just a few weeks ago, was calling for economic justice, social justice, environmental and climate justice, legal reform justice — as if America’s free market and democratic-republic don’t already offer justice for all.

That’s another way of saying out with the Constitution, in with the socialism. Out with that racist Constitution, as the Marxists with Black Lives Matter have beaten for months now.

And right now, right this moment, as Schumer pointed out, the Senate races in Georgia are all that’s standing, politically speaking, between a socialist onslaught and the American people. If Alaska and North Carolina stay Republican, but the runoffs in Georgia go Democrat, the power in the Senate could shift. The vice president, remember, serves as the tie-breaker in the Senate. Gulp.

From Steven Law, chief of the Senate Leadership Fund, in Fox News: “These two [Senate races in Georgia] will mean the difference between Democrats having free rein to destroy minority rights, pack the Supreme Court and create new states, versus a healthy check on their far-left agenda.”

That’s no understatement. If America falls — where will the torch of freedom be carried? There is no where, no other country, to go.

This is twelfth hour stuff.

The solution will only come from the churches. Why? Socialism and communism cannot coexist with God. If America wants a long-term solution to drive out the un-Americanism from U.S. politics, then churches, Christians, Judeo-Christians — those with the biblical teachings aligned with America’s founding, and the power of spiritual discernment to see where these principles are violated — must, must, must get louder and bolder.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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