- Tuesday, November 10, 2020

I doubt I’m the only one unable to get past President-elect Joe Biden’s dishonesty and deceit. The Democrats’ continuous, underhanded assaults on President Trump over the past four years showed that Mr. Biden and his ilk have no scruples.

A good example is the supposed voting machine “glitch” in Michigan that automatically changed votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. This “glitch” reportedly may have affected 30 states. A machine has to be intricately programmed by a person in order to function. The fact that it swapped votes tells me that it was intentionally programmed to do that; therefore, it should be investigated to the fullest extent. Further, Mr. Biden’s criminal act of blackmailing the Ukrainian government to remove the prosecutor investigating his son can’t be ignored, nor can I forgive his treasonous act of selling out our country while colluding with former President Obama, who gave our sworn enemy Iran back $150 billion of protection money — money that went to terrorists to kill Americans.

Another unforgivable act is the reported collusion that took place at the meeting in Mr. Obama’s office, where Mr. Biden suggested using the Logan Act to go after Gen. Michael Flynn for “sedition” while trying to undermine Mr. Trump’s pick for national security adviser.

And let’s not forget about Mr. Biden selling to the highest position his position as vice president so that he could rake in millions for his family. Or his lying to the American people about the savings Obamacare would bring.

Despite all this, the news media has made Mr. Biden out as a good man. The real Mr. Biden has the morals and integrity of a common thief. He will never bring law-abiding people together.


Warrenville, S.C.

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