- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 5, 2020

If what’s going on in Kansas City right now won’t get you off the couch, into the streets to protest, onto the phone to demand government accountability — well then, nothing will. 

Time to declare a Kim Jong-un-like king and move on.

This is what’s taking place: Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, by way of executive order, closed down businesses and churches to more than 10 people. And oh yeah, Lucas added: Businesses and churches have to record the names and other personal information of those inside, so the government can know, dontcha know.

“Our goal isn’t to see what everyone is doing and be Big Brother,” Lucas said, FOX 4 reported. No? That’s just the result.

Hey, American Civil Liberties Union, where are you?

The unlawful, un-American, unbelievably intrusive order slides into being under the guise of health protections for the people.

Or, in its own words, “to more quickly trace, test and isolate individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19,” — we’re going to track you.

Thank goodness Attorney General Bill Barr has tasked his Justice Department to look into the order.

But what a circumvent of the Constitution and its First Amendment underscore of God-given individual freedoms to worship freely, assemble peaceably and speak as one wishes.

All for the COVID-19 good of the people.

Lucas also encouraged tattle-tellers to call the Kansas City 311 hotline and report violators.

Taking names, taking numbers.

Who knew that was the government’s job.

We hear a lot about the new normal of COVID-19 days. If policies like surveillance and reporting of church-goers are any indications of America’s new normal, well then, America is lost. The America of founding times is gone.

The United States will have turned into the surveillance states — the socialist states.

Lucas is a perfect example of why government must be held in check by the people.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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