- Sunday, May 3, 2020

So Joe Biden has finally come forward to deny former Senate staffer Tara Reade’s sexual-assault allegations against him (“Joe Biden denies allegation of sexual assault: ’This never happened,’” Web, May 1). It’s probably fair to say Mr. Biden doesn’t remember whether it happened or not. That doesn’t make an investigation any less important, and it certainly doesn’t make the charge any less serious.

The problem with this narrative is that the man is not of sound mind. There is a reason he “opens mouth to insert foot” at an alarming rate.

It’s no surprise that prominent Democrats are going out on a limb to support him, but they ought to be far more cautious. Assault allegation aside, a presidential term is four years. Mr. Biden’s frequent delusional speech and aggressive outbreaks suggest an underlying condition at the very least, and at his age it’s only fair that we determine his mental capacity.

Any investigation of Mr. Biden should begin with a cognitive evaluation. If his memory is something other than selective, we should thank him for his service and put him out to pasture.


Mt. Airy, Md.

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