- The Washington Times - Friday, May 29, 2020

Valerie Jarrett, former White House whisperer for the Barack Obama administration, said in an MSNBC television interview that “vote-by-mail” should be the way to go in each and every state for elections this November. And forever after, for that matter.

And with that, the left tipped its hat to its “never let a crisis go to waste” COVID-19 endgame.

“This week,” said Jarrett, as Breitbart reported, “we launched Civic Cities, where we are working with mayors across the country.”

Working for what?

To kill the integrity of America’s election system.

To ultimately, destroy the Electoral College and tip the scales of voting the Democrats’ way for years, even decades, to come.

And to do so on the wings of teaching civility in politics.

Civic Cities is the left’s latest way of pretending like it’s working on behalf of the citizens of the United States while actually working to undercut the Constitution, free market and concept of individual rights, and brainwashing the next generation in good old-fashioned socialist collectivism.

“We’re building Civic Cities across the nation — cities which provide the following: Solutions Civics, [that] teaches No-Blame problem solving of government issues to high school students,” reads one bullet point from the Citizens Campaign website.

Yada yada, so on and so forth. “No blame” is code for “no accountability.” No accountability for Democrats, that is.

Anyhow, apparently, as part of Civic Cities, youth are being trained to think of voting as an at-home endeavor.

“We’re working in high schools,” Jarrett said, “because people who are first-time voters tend to be lifelong voters. We have colleges and universities. We have the business community engaged.”

The endgame?

“We should have vote-by-mail in every state,” she said. “We should have early vote in every state. Everybody should be able to go online to register. Why is it leaders are not making it as easy as possible for us to vote as opposed to trying to suppress the vote? We’re trying to close the age and the race gap. We’re confident that this is a long term plan.”

And COVID-19 has provided the perfect platform to spring this long-term vote-from-home plan into effect.

“This COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the weaknesses in government and leadership,” Jarrett said.

Oh, what a lucky day for Democrats that COVID-19 came along. Not only do Dems now have a tool to justify hiding away their subpar candidate Joe Biden in the basement — out of the comparatively hot gaffe zone known as The Field of Donald Trump’s Fire — but also, they can put in place the groundswell for a long-held dream of the left: to destroy America’s fair system of elections.

“Vote-by-mail has not been in any way an indicator of vote fraud,” Jarrett said.

And by that, she meant, in typical Democrat-slash-Orwellian-speak: Vote-by-mail is highly susceptible to fraud. And thanks to COVID-19, Democrats have a chance to usher in an electoral system rife with fraud they can exploit for decades to come.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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