- The Washington Times - Friday, March 6, 2020

Warren Farrell, co-author of “The Boy Crisis,” says America has a problem with males and it’s one that goes like this: They’re not being raised to be men.

And how true that is. Today’s boys are being taught that masculinity is a disease.

Where that’s led is to a rash of fatherless homes — and where that’s led is to a rash of behavioral, mental and psychological problems with the nation’s youth. It’s high time to end the experiment called radical feminism, the one where men aren’t needed and women can raise kids without male presences.

It’s time to — as Farrell’s coined it — Make the American Family Great Again. MAGA, with a kick.

“The boy crisis resides where fathers do not reside,” Farrell says.

And in recent weeks, he’s met and spoken with a variety of folks from President Donald Trump’s administration, including officials with the Health and Human Services agency, the Department of Justice and within the hallowed halls of the White House. His goal is to create a national MAFGA program that would offer a Father Warrior Training program to help get America’s males back on the leadership track — to help bring back the once-valued masculine traits of responsibility, duty, strength and yes, love. To help teach those in the elementary levels how to be a proper father.

This is no small task. Neither is it trite.

One American Psychological Association writer, for instance, has practically deemed masculinity a poison, posing in a 2019 post that “traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful.” Liberals, progressives, socialists, secularists and all those of the far leftist slants, meanwhile, have gone out of their way to not only tear down manhood, as defined in the traditional sense, but also inflict upon the nation the idea that boys and girls can be whichever sex they choose simply by donning different dress, or taking some hormones, or — God help us all — undergoing surgery.

In such states of societal confusion, there is no more “boys being boys.” There are boys being taught it’s OK to be girls, or girl-boys, or she-hes, or he-shes, or whatever pronouns can be invented to fit the liberal desires of the day.

No wonder roughly a quarter of American children are raised in fatherless homes.

Males don’t know what it means to be a father any more. Heck, males don’t know what it means to be male any more.

But if America wants to decrease crime, address drug and alcohol addictions, reduce high-school dropout rates, teen pregnancy rates, poverty rates, suicide rates and juvenile detention rates, and also reduce the membership rolls of gangs in the country — then America will take seriously it’s “boy crisis.”

As Farrell wrote in a 2019 USA Today piece: “Boys are falling behind without dads.”

And that means society is suffering; all of America is decaying. The solution? MAFGA. Families with fathers can soothe much of what ails.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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