- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Michael Bloomberg ending his Democratic presidential bid will be a boon to whoever wins the party’s nomination to run in November, fellow former candidate Andrew Yang said Tuesday.

Mr. Yang, who ended his own Democratic presidential campaign last month, predicted the party’s eventual nominee will benefit greatly by gaining the backing of Mr. Bloomberg.

Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, previously said he would use his resources to support whichever Democrat competes head-to-head with President Trump.

He ultimately ended his campaign Wednesday morning after failing to make a splash in more than a dozen states that held primary contests on Super Tuesday a day earlier.

Speaking on CNN late Tuesday, Mr. Yang said the recipient of Mr. Bloomberg’s support will receive backing much greater than anything the Democratic National Committee could offer.

“It’s incredible what he’s already assembled, and he’s going to put that to work for the nominee in the fall,” Mr. Yang said of Mr. Bloomberg. “If the Democrats win, he’s going to be a big reason why, because his operation is much more robust and sophisticated than anything the DNC has.

“Having the Bloomberg operation behind you is one of the greatest assets for the nominee heading into the fall, because you cannot say his operation is anything but first-rate,” Mr. Yang added.

Mr. Bloomberg said Wednesday that he was ending his presidential campaign after determining a viable path to receiving the Democratic nomination “no longer exists.”

He also said he would support former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, whose performance in several states on Super Tuesday effectively placed him at the front of the race for the Democratic nomination ahead of Sens. Bernard Sanders, Vermont independent, and Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat.

• Andrew Blake can be reached at ablake@washingtontimes.com.

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