- Sunday, March 29, 2020

In a phone call with President Trump last Thursday, Chinese President Xi pledged cooperation in combating the coronavirus. Chinese Communist Party officials have expelled journalists from The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post lately for the reporters’ alleged bias when it comes to the coronavirus — and these are largely journalists with a liberal slant.

The Chinese government delayed announcing the virus to the world community, when timely discolsure could have prevented the virus’ spread to other countries. China refused entry to the medical personnel from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people considered some of the best in the world. They have retaliated against Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital who contracted the virus, for blowing the whistle. The doctor mysteriously died at age 34. And China has blamed the United States (and lately Italy) as being the origin of the virus.

For goodness’ sake, the United States does not need Red China’s help to get a handle on the “Chinese virus.” We should keep them as far away as possible; they are not to be trusted. The only help the United States needs from Red China is reparations for the financial losses to our economy.



Trinity, Fla.


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