- Tuesday, March 24, 2020

With all due respect for Joe Biden, who is a fine man, given his apparent mental-acuity problems it’s highly unlikely that he would complete even one full term as president of the United States if elected. Obviously, his likely female running mate (Hillary Clinton) would then be elevated to the Oval Office via succession without ever having won election herself.

How convenient for Bill and Hillary.

What’s so shocking is that not one of the 20-something “decoy Democrats” falling behind Mr. Biden’s blatant establishment nomination like lemmings have asked just how crucial Mr. Biden’s running-mate choice will be in the near future, given Mr. Biden’s age and rapidly declining mental capacity. Voters must not focus on whether Mr. Biden should become president, but rather when and how his vice president would succeed him midterm.

In fact, President Trump ought to ignore Mr. Biden as a candidate, including the opposition research and clickbait that Republican leaders, consultants and novices will hurl at him automatically. Instead, American voters, elected officials, news reporters, pundits and independents should focus 110 percent from now until Election Day on the people behind the entire Biden campaign, the Russia collusion and impeachment hoaxes of Mr. Trump’s surreptitious 2020 White House opponent: The Clintons.


McLean, Va.

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