- The Washington Times - Monday, March 2, 2020

Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has dropped his run for the White House, opening doors for former Vice President Joe Biden to take his votes, or maybe Sen. Bernie Sanders, or former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, or one of the women, Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.

It’s a real potatoes, potahtoes moment for Democrats. After all, cut through the clutter, dice through the decisions, and what remains is the same.

Buttigieg was Bernie is Bloomberg is Biden is — etc., etc., etc.

On policy for America, they’re all insane. Some just walk the insanity a little bit slower than others.

Take Klobuchar versus Sanders, for instance.

Sanders is a card-carrying socialist with outright communist designs, a Fidel Castro sympathizer who sees forced literacy programs as a great thing ’cause it’s good for the kiddies, and after all, who knows best what’s good for the kiddies than government.

But Klobuchar, given enough time, would get to that level of radicalism, too. She’d just do it with softer, quieter language. She’d just do it in a way that would allow her to continue her charade as a moderate Democrat voters a choice.

On the positions, Klobuchar wants an end to the death penalty, federal crackdowns on local courts’ bail procedures, more federal interventions into the private housing market, mandated raises to the minimum wage, broader rights for paid family and medical leave for private sector employers, consideration of reparations for blacks, two years of “free” college, debt relief for former students paying off college loans, federal tinkering of teacher pay raises, federal bans of so-called assault weapons, universal background checks for all firearms’ purchases — my goodness, the list goes on.

Sanders wants pretty near the same — only more so.

Buttigieg wanted pretty near the same — only using more erudite language. While kissing his husband.

Biden wants pretty much the same — only he’s not sure if he’s running for the Senate or the White House.

See where this headed?

The Democrats may have a handful of candidates in the field, as they head into Super Tuesday, as they fight it out for the necessary number of votes in their convention.

But really, they only have one. And that one, no matter the face, has a basket full of policies and proposals and pieces of legislative matter that are decidedly anti-American, utterly against the Constitution.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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