- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Joe Biden, in a widely reported, widely seen confrontation with a construction worker attending his political rally at the site of a new Fiat Chrysler plant in Michigan, cursed, argued and behaved like an ill-mannered, entitled elitist — and when reminded that “you’re working for me, man,” said this: “I’m not working for you.”

The full quote: “I’m not working for you. Don’t be such a horse’s ass.”

That’s the seeds of socialism, right there.

Socialists don’t think they work for the people — they think they’re above the people, better than the people, smarter than the people, and that’s why they believe in redistribution of wealth.

Socialism takes private properties, by force, from the individual, for use for the collective, for use for whomever is deemed worthy by socialist standards.

Socialism breeds envy; socialism feeds on jealousy; socialism is a system where holier-than-thou types take over the top tiers of government to then decide who gets, who must give, whose fruits of individual labor and creativity must be scooped and distributed for the common good of all.

It’s an evil. It’s a rot. And its seeds are many.

When asked in an unscripted moment about his planned taking of certain types of firearms, if elected president, Biden said: “I did not say that. I did not say that. It’s a viral video like the other ones they’re putting out that are simply a lie.”

The man responded: “This is not OK, all right?”

Biden responded: “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with your ass.”

The man responded: “You’re working for me, man.”

Biden responded: “I’m not working for you. Don’t be such a horse’s ass.”

Seeds of socialism.

Seeds of a system of government that puts the few at the top, the many at the bottom — and the few in complete charge of controlling who gets what versus who gets nothing.

Democrats may think that what they need is someone who can beat President Donald Trump — anyone who can beat Trump.

But what America doesn’t need is another politician who thinks he’s better than the people who pay his salary.

What America doesn’t need is another politician using political office to sow and grow the seeds of socialism.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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