- Sunday, June 7, 2020

How does burning down and looting book, coffee, grocery, clothing and other stores aid any cause? How does stopping Amazon, FedEx, UPS and other delivery trucks, and stealing package contents aid any cause? How does breaking store windows and stealing big-screen TVs, jewelry, clothing and tennis shoes aid any cause? How does knifing, shooting and killing police officers aid any cause? How does setting on fire automobiles, rescue vehicles, and police and fire trucks aid any cause?

Before our very eyes, those who wish only to destroy are having victory after victory while decent, law-abiding, hard-working Americans are marginalized and made fearful of exercising basic human rights to which we all are entitled. That millions are losing these freedoms because of the murderous action of four Minneapolis policemen is absurd. But it does serve very well those who work to destroy the United States.


Loveland, Ohio

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