- The Washington Times - Saturday, June 6, 2020

Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr., in a recent podcast interview, said Democrats are making it easy for Republicans this November — that a conservative sweep, due to COVID-19 crackdown madness and George Floyd-inspired out-of-control rioting, is in the works and too bad, so sad, but that’s the way the liberal cookie crumbles.

And he’s right. And Democrats have to know their time is short. Why else would they tip so many loony card hands all at once?

It’s desperado on full display.

Look to the Democrat-led states.

Look to the Democrat governors of the nation, with their crazed executive-order madness, busily knocking down constitutional boundaries to keep citizens at home, fully face-masked, fearful of going to the polls — reliant on mail-in-ballots to vote. Reliant on a mail-in-voting system that’s ripe for ballot stuffing and fraud.

Look to the smashed glass in the streets; to the signs of leftist anarchist “summers of resistance” Nancy Pelosi style rebellion that are everywhere.

America is facing a true-made-for-blue-Dems riot act in the streets. And over what? Over a matter that nobody, I mean nobody, not even the staunchest police supporter nobody, is arguing: that police acted brutally brutishly in the fatal handling of Floyd. That the police, in this instance, must pay.

So why the riots? Why such a riot act over a matter on which everybody agrees?

Simply put, chaos helps the Democrats.

It gives them the opportunity to make their case that this government, this government led by Republicans, this government led by that Donald Trump guy — that dastardly, misogynist, racist, uncouth and uncivil Donald Trump guy — just isn’t working, and what’s needed is change. What’s needed is a change in leadership. And lookie here, bada-boom, bada-bing, it’s Joe Biden to the rescue.

So what that Biden’s presidential campaign has been largely confined to tightly controlled telecasts from the safety of his basement?

He’s hope. He’s change.

He’s not Donald Trump.

But here’s another reason Democrats know their time is tight and their season of politicking is coming to an end: Generation Zers, born after 1995 or 1996, are “more conservative than many realize,” as Business Insider put it, in one recent headline.

The race is on. Pew Research has painted this generation as progressive-minded as the Millennials.

But not so fast, say other sources.

“Why Democrats Should Be Losing Sleep Over Generation Z,” Forbes wrote.

The piece went on to report that research shows “Gen Z is more individualistic, more conservative both socially and fiscally” than Millennials. In act, Gen Z “is possibly the most conservative generation since World War II,” Forbes wrote.

What a horror show for Democrats.

Then just this week, comes this: “Unemployment rate falls to 13.3 percent as economy gains surprise 2.5 million jobs despite coronavirus,” NBC News reported. Reluctantly reported, no doubt.

Hope. Hope without the change.

“Trump predicts 2021 will be ’best year’ for US economy after May jobs rebound,” Fox Business wrote, in the aftermath of that jobs’ report.

Why change what’s working?

Why fix what’s not broken?

Democrats have been trying their dangdest to break America’s economy, break America’s Constitution, break America’s system of law and order — with an eye toward a future filled with generations of progressive/socialistic/collectivist minded young leftist voters.

But their time grows short. Their plans, chaotic and dramatic as they seem right now, aren’t working. They’re showing their rabid side and it’s becoming abundantly clear to the undecideds, the independents, and even the traditionally Democrat supporter: this party of liberals is out-of-control. They’re more anti-American than liberal.

November will be sweeps month for conservatives.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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