- The Washington Times - Friday, June 5, 2020

Eighteen state attorneys general — Democrats, of course — have petitioned Congress for “explicit authority” to investigate local police departments for evidence of abusive and unconstitutional action.

Mark this moment as an official calendar day of Democrats’ quest to collapse the law and order structure of police departments around the country. One need only look to the chaotic protests in the streets — one need only listen to the likes of Democratic leadership with their calls for resistance and cries for opposition against conservatives — to see what law and order means to the left: That is, lawlessness. 

That the petition comes on the heels of George Floyd’s death only shows the partisan politically motivated pressings of the left; after all, nobody — nobody! — in America has come out in strong defense of the four police officers involved in this black man’s death. There are virtually no contrasting views to oppose; no opposing arguments to fight.

But Democrats are trying to capitalize on the anti-police culture that’s circling America just the same. The anti-police culture the leftists themselves have fostered, that is.

“Urgent action is necessary at all levels of government to remedy the injustice of police misconduct,” the attorneys general wrote, as Politico first reported.

The letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asks for AG permission to gather information about acts of police force and, if warranted, bring charges against offices in federal courts of law.

It’s all billed as a citizen safety measure — that is, “to ensure constitutional policing in our states, particularly when the federal government is unwilling or unable to act,” the letter states, The Hill reported.

But this is all show.

This is all for political purposes.

The left, at its core, hates law and order.

It’s been a long-time wish of Democrats to federalize police, so as to allow total top-down control of local law enforcement — so as to allow for leftist bureaucrats to stifle and stymy response to chaos.

Think back to the Barack Obama administration, when then-Justice Department officials routinely sent in the overseers on cases of police arrests of black suspects involving injury or death. These oversights weren’t so much about getting at truths as they were about advancing social justice narratives of police brutality. 

In 2014, for instance, when black suspect Michael Brown died during a scuffle with a white police officer, the mantra “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” went national — as a means of suggesting law enforcement routinely shoot innocent blacks. The narrative proved a lie. Even then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. couldn’t dispute the findings of forensic evidence that showed Brown was not shot with “hands in the air,” a la surrender mode, but rather while making aggressive moves toward the officer.

It’s more of the same with Floyd.

The narrative of police brutality, of police targeting of blacks, of police overreach and aggression and war on minorities must march on, facts and figures and statistics be danged.

Make no mistake about it: Democrats want the downfall of police. They want the control of police. 

“One thing is certain,” the AGs wrote, “if US DOJ continues to abdicate its responsibility to pursue police reform, someone has to take action. We stand ready to do so.” 

Whoever controls police controls the country. Without law and order, the nation will crumble in chaos.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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