- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The violence taking place on America’s streets right now, and for the past few days, wouldn’t be — that’s to say, there wouldn’t be any — except for one small teeny-weeny bitty bit of fact: Democrats want it.

Democrats love the chaos.

It gives them a chance to point out how terrible President Donald Trump is for the country.

It gives them the opportunity to toss down race cards and advance their “cops hate the blacks!” narratives — the narratives that then play so well with their fundraising efforts.

It gives them plenty of media attention to make the case, against a backdrop of dramatic images of fleeing protesters, and handcuffed teens, and tear-stained faces standing up to brutal police brutes bent on spreading their brutality far and wide — that “see — see? We told you this is what you’d get with that racist Trump.” And that line of argument naturally segues into the biggest win of all for Democrats with this violence in the streets being cloaked as First Amendment free assembly — and that’s this: It helps get Joe Biden some much-needed wind.

And who needs some wind for his campaign now but Joe Biden.

Honestly, is there ever a time when you thought it feasible a presidential candidate would run for the high office from the safety and comfort and seclusion of his own basement?

Go, Joe.

Maybe he’s scoring big with the millennials and snowflake types who haven’t yet put down the gaming control and moved out of mommy’s cellar. But the adults of the nation are a bit baffled.

“Joe Biden is stuck in his basement. It’s exactly where he needs to be,” The Washington Post wrote.

And this, from the Boston Herald: “Basement Biden not a good presidential look.”

And this, from The Atlantic: “Biden’s Virtual Campaign Is a Disaster.”

The common denominator with those three media outlets is they all lean left. They’re all on Biden’s side.

They all want Biden to win, not Trump. Yet even they can’t stop the chuckle and groan.

Enter thugs.

Enter thuggery in the streets, masked as care and concern and outrage and righteous anger over the police killing of George Floyd. 

Now Biden has got plenty of time to take a nap.

The video cameras, the news crews, are all occupied with other things.

It’s truly a Nancy Pelosi “Summer of Resistance” out there — and given the cities where most of the resistance is taking place and where most of the resistors are running nuts are led by Democrats, it’s certain: This is yet another tool for the left to pull for political gain.

Horrible as it seems, the violence across America right now is being used by the Democrats as a crisis that shouldn’t be put to waste.

If it weren’t true, the Democrat leadership would rally together and make it stop.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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