- The Washington Times - Friday, June 26, 2020

The list of statues, memorials and monuments torn down, defaced or destroyed across America grows long.

And now it’s Baphomet’s turn.

If the standard in this country for deciding on the fate of statues, memorials and monuments has become one of offense — meaning, if the structure offends, it must go — then Christians certainly have cause to go after all-things-Satanic Temple.

It’s only fair.

“Satanic Temple unveils Baphomet statue at Arkansas Capitol,” The Associated Press reported in August of 2018.

The unveiling was at a First Amendment protest of a monument of the Ten Commandments already located at the Capitol. The Satanic Temple’s view was that since the Ten Commandments represented a religious view, then Arkansas politicians either had to remove that monument or allow for the installation of the Baphomet figure.

The Ten Commandments, of course, isn’t simply religious. It’s rule of law — it’s a basis for America’s legal system, and serves as a compass that guides courts and governments down a proper blind-justice, lawful path.

That hasn’t stopped satanists and atheists and snarky secularists the nation over from pushing for rights to rise Baphomet’s stupid image in as many public places as possible — Baphomet and other similarly stupid satanic images, too.

In 2015, they tried Detroit. That was after they tried Oklahoma in 2012.

“The Satanic Temple unveiled the one-ton statue at an industrial building near the Detroit River just before 11:30 p.m. local time as supporters cheered: ’Hail Satan,’ ” The Guardian reported in 2015. “The Temple had unsuccessfully applied to have the statue placed near a Ten Commandments monument installed in 2012 on the Oklahoma State Capitol grounds.”

In Illinois, on the cusp of Christmas in 2018, it was a snake — the Chicago branch of the Satanic Temple’s special little contribution to holiday scenes in the Capitol.

“Satanic Sculpture Installed At Illinois Statehouse, Just in Time For The Holidays,” NPR wrote.

The story went on to say, “There’s a Nativity scene for Christmas, a menorah for Hanukkah, and then something a little different: an arm holding an apple, with a snake coiled around it.”

It was called “Snaketivity,” and the accompanying sign read, “Knowledge Is The Greatest Gift.”

Some of these satanic shows are seasonal; some are only temporary flashes, making appearances at protests and rallies for political purposes. But they should be rooted out and pulled from their places of storage and destroyed.

They offend.

They’re offensive to some.

And if offended anarchists can topple George Washington and Thomas Jefferson under the turned-away eyes of Democrats in government, then Christians deserve the same right to topple, destroy, deface and forever remove from the public eye those images that bring offense to the faith. Goose, meet gander. Right?

Then there was this: Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King wrote on Twitter that “statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.”

So, too, then all statues of satanic imagery, from Baphomet to Snaketivity to whatever else the devil-worshippers design. In today’s country, by today’s standards, by the standards set by anarchists and thugs and flown forth on the wings of silent Democrats — Christians have the right to wrap an American flag around a Baphomet statue’s head and set it on fire. And they should.

The alternative is to stop the nonsense, stop the madness and rein in the wild anarchists with the firm fist of law and order. Even then, though, it’s not a bad idea to kick Baphomet to the curb.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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