- Wednesday, June 24, 2020

So-called white privilege permitted me to forfeit a career opportunity with NASA back in the ’70s. The reason? I neglected to comply with an interviewer’s encouragement to pitch my race as Hispanic. Hmm, perhaps I should have taken a page from Sen. Elizabeth Warren and embraced a specious minority identity for employment. Did I naively squander that opportunity due to a hollow, self-contorted truth? After all, truth is relative now, right?

On another occasion, I applied for an employment vacancy at the University of California Berkeley for which I was amply qualified. UCB, in turn, mailed me an inquiry desiring to confirm my race. I replied in a straightforward manner — and of course never heard back from them ever again.

Yes, that’s my white privilege at work or was it a white sacrificial offering on the altar of new-age progressive egalitarianism?


Half Moon Bay, Calif.

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