- The Washington Times - Friday, June 19, 2020

So President Donald Trump is going ahead with a political rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma — and now Tulsa, Oklahoma, by mayoral executive order, has declared a “civil emergency” over fears of “extremely violent” protesters who may take to the streets, bringing all their coronavirus-ey germs and stuff with them.

Tea leaves say: this is how Democrats plan to win the White House—by intimidation, squelching free speech and aggression.

Republican Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum, after consulting with police and other law enforcement agencies, wrote in an executive order: “I have received information … that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive and violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the city of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally.”

This is good news for Democrats.

Antifa is alive and well. Anarchists are alive and kicking. They’re bent on causing as much mayhem and madness as possible, and the silence of the Democrats speaks volumes.

If the violence in the streets can be traced back to Trump in the White House, all the greater gain for Democrats and their subpar candidate called Joe Biden.

That’s not to say Antifa thugs are actively working for the Democrats. The bigger goal of the anarchist movement is to overturn the Constitution, toss out law and order and usher in a new  society that puts the loons in leadership. But as the saying goes, the enemy of thy enemy is thy friend. And Trump is in the crosshairs of both Democrats and anarchists.

It’s under the blind eyes of Democrats that anarchists are winning in Seattle.

It’s under the blind eyes of Democrats that anarchists are winning in Atlanta.

The partnership, however informal, however undeclared, seems to be working.

Now Tulsa beckons and suddenly there are law-and-order concerns? That’s well and good. But let’s remember who the enemy is. 

The precautions and security — the curfews, the restrictions — shouldn’t take the form of limiting rally activities, or putting stumbling blocks in Trump fans’ ways. Rather, police should be preparing to do the jobs they were hired to do — protect the innocent, uphold the law, secure the citizenry from those who do harm.

It’s not unconstitutional for citizens to engage in free expressions of political activism by gathering for rallies.

It is unconstitutional for thugs to throw Molotov cocktails in the middle of these political gatherings.

In the quest for safety and security, it’s important to remember that the law-abiding should not be punished, or see their civil and constitutional rights infringed, simply because threats exist and the criminal-minded are bent on behaving in criminal ways.

Trump fans have a definite right to gather. Anarchists have no right to disrupt with violence. The police in Tulsa, as well as the city’s politicians, need to remember that and respond accordingly. Democrats must not be allowed to use “civil emergency” threats to political advantage; neither, the lawless and violent.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.


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