- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 16, 2020

President Donald Trump in a one-on-one exclusive interview with talk radio great Michael Savage said that if Democrats have their way, the election this November will be “rigged,” and that it’s up to courts and citizens to stave off leftist pressures for massive mail-in voting.

Democrats have indeed been on a tear lately to use the coronavirus as justification for launching mail-in voting rights.

“Supervisor of Elections: No Postage Needed for Pasco Mail-In Voting,” Bay News Channel 9 reported, of Pasco County, Florida.

“It’s another way election officials are trying to prepare for the election with the pandemic continuing,” Bay News wrote.

This — as protesters-slash-rioters stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the streets, crying about fake systemic racism within police departments. This — as Democrat controlled communities allow non-social distancing looters to smash shop windows, set fire to police cruisers and beat and intimidate innocent elderly bystanders and citizens for the crime of, umm, what, being white?

This — as Seattle thugs can take over whole sections of downtown, set up barricades, patrol armed guards to keep out police, and sit side-by-side, in close quarters on the pavement, hugging, holding hands, the coronavirus be danged. Where are the Democrats concerned about the spread of COVID-19?

Busily passing mail-in voting rules, it would seem.

Busily selling the public on the COVID-19 fear of going to the ballot boxes in person.

“We should be looking to an all-mail ballots across the board to begin with because it’s an easy way for people to vote,” Democrat Joe Biden told NBC’s Chuck Todd recently in context of discussing COVID-19 “new” norms.

“Coronavirus makes voting by mail even more important,” USA Today wrote.

“Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order to Protect Public Health by Mailing Every Registered Voter a Ballot Ahead of the November General Election,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office put out, on his official website.

A federal judge just stepped in and put a stop to Newsom’s order, calling it an “impermissible use of legislative powers” that violated the state’s Constitution.

But the left won’t quit.

For the left, mail-in voting has been a “never let a crisis go to waste” benefit of the coronavirus for months.

“Trump Is Pushing a False Argument on Vote-by-Mail Fraud,” The New York Times wrote, way back in April.

No. No he’s not.

He wasn’t then, when the Times penned that critical piece. And he’s not now, during his chat with Savage on Savage’s top-ranked radio show.

“The biggest risk I have, and the biggest risk, frankly, that the Republican party has, is mail-in voting,” Trump said to Savage.

That was after he warned, “This will be a rigged election if they’re allowed to do it.”

He’s not alone in that belief.

“An all-mail election would be rife with fraud,” wrote the Honorable Francisco Canseco, an attorney, businessman and former U.S. congressman from Texas, in a Texas Public Policy Foundation piece originally published in the Washington Examiner.

“Texas Democrats have sued to expand mail-in ballots for upcoming elections here [in Texas],” he wrote, questioning the wisdom and recalling his past runs for office when he “visited empty lots, addresses with multiple names, and mailboxes (not residences) matching the names on my voter rolls.”


“How did those names get on [my] list?” he asked.

Good question. Very good question.

“Mail-in ballots,” Canseco went on, “carry risks of fraud and abuse even more so in abnormal times. As with much else during the ongoing pandemic, we must ensure that the cure is not worse than the disease.”

More to truth — we must make sure Joe Biden isn’t handed the golden egg of fraudulently cast votes this November.

“We’re terrified of the illegal aliens voting, the Democrats voting four or five times,” Savage told Trump.

And that’s a fear that shouldn’t be dismissed — particularly in the face of Democrats’ overwhelming push to dismiss such fears.

Remember, it’s the Democrats themselves who say they’ll never let a crisis go to political waste. And if that’s not enough to convince of the concern about mail-in voting: Just look at Basement Biden. Honestly, what chance does he stand to beat Trump, except for fraudulent voting.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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