- The Washington Times - Sunday, June 14, 2020

A veteran pollster has some clear numbers suggesting President Trump will be reelected, despite economic uneasiness, public unrest, media hostility and the coronavirus pandemic. It may not be a blockbuster win, but it is a win nonetheless over Democratic hopeful Joseph R. Biden.

“Overall, a slim majority (51%) of likely voters thought, regardless of their political support, that President Trump would win reelection over Democratic nominee Joe Biden (43%), while 6% thought someone else would win the 2020 Presidential Election,” reports John Zogby in a new poll of 1,007 likely voters conducted June 1-2.

He is one of the few pollsters who breaks down voter preference into some very distinctive demographics.

“The subgroups most likely to believe the president would win were his base: Born again Christians (Trump 68%/Biden 28%), NASCAR fans (Trump 68%/Biden 29%), union voters (Trump 61%/Biden 35%), and voters who recently lost a job (Trump 58%/Biden 34%). Most other demographics agreed Trump would beat Biden in 2020, regardless of their political ideology or support,” Mr. Zogby noted in his analysis.

“Other important subgroups who thought Trump would beat Biden regardless of their political leanings: Both men (Trump 57%/Biden 39%) and women (Trump 47%/Biden 46%) said Trump would win, as did voters living in the East (Trump 49%/Biden 45%), South (Trump 53%/Biden 42%) and Central/Great Lakes region(Trump 56%/Biden 38%). The West region (Biden 49%/Trump 42%) felt Biden had the best chance to win in 2020,” the analysis said.

There are worrisome spots for Mr. Trump and his strategists, though.

“Independent voters (Biden 45%/Trump 42%) were slightly more upbeat that Joe Biden would win, no matter their political support, as were moderates (Biden 51%/42% Trump),” said Mr. Zogby.


Allen West, a former Republican U.S. House member and longtime broadcast commentator, has advice for those seeking to destroy or deface historic structures around the nation.

“The right thing is for everyone to understand — as George Santayana once said — is that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from,” Mr. West tells Fox News.


George P. Bush — Texas land commissioner and son of former presidential hopeful Jeb Bush — has drawn a line in the sand for any protesters who aspire to damage the Alamo.

“Don’t mess with The Alamo,” Mr. Bush said in a fierce tweet after rumors circulated that protesters were targeting the iconic Alamo in San Antonio — which comes under the care of his office.

“The Alamo is the shrine of Texas liberty. And it will be defended. My office is closely watching the social media posts and rumors from protesters who are threatening to come to the Alamo,” Mr. Bush said.

“Rest assured we have already deployed the Alamo Rangers in partnership with San Antonio Police Department, the Department of Public Safety and The National Guard to protect this sacred site,” Mr. Bush continued. “My message to the protesters is simple: Don’t mess with The Alamo.”

The current structure in San Antonio — which has three-foot thick limestone walls — was built in 1758, but originally founded as the Chapel of the Mission San Antonio de Valero in 1718. New security fencing was recently installed at the site. A nearby war memorial has already been tagged with red paint.

Mr. Bush — who counts George W. Bush as his uncle and George H.W. Bush as his grandfather — recently endorsed President Trump’s reelection campaign, declaring that the president “is the only thing standing between America and socialism.”


It’s National Flag Week, and President Trump offers a thought or two.

“The American flag represents the unity of our country and its people, no matter what may divide us, Old Glory should be revered and cherished, as a symbol of all that makes America the greatest country in the world. As we honor our beautiful flag on this day and throughout this week, let us vow never to forget the tremendous sacrifices made by patriots from generation to generation to ensure that the red, white, and blue continues to fly high and free. Today, and every day, I am proud to join my fellow Americans in standing tall and saluting our great American flag,” Mr. Trump advises in his official proclamation.


The Trump administration recently finalized a new rule to clarify that the federal definition of sex discrimination under the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — does not include abortion.

“President Trump is the most pro-life president our nation has ever seen, and he has delivered another important victory for conscience in America. Abortion is not health care and should never be mandated by the government,” says Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life organization.

“The Obama/Biden administration sought to expand abortion at every turn, even trying to reinterpret federal law to define abortion as a civil right. Since serving in the Obama administration, Joe Biden’s views on abortion have become even more extreme, as he now supports forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion on demand — even brutal late-term abortions. We thank President Trump and Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar for standing firmly on the side of the majority of Americans who reject taxpayer funding of abortion — and for the action taken today to roll back the Obama/Biden-era assault on conscience,” says Mrs. Dannenfelser.


• 75% of U.S. adults say Abraham Lincoln was a great or near-great president; 83% of Republicans, 72% of independents and 74% of Democrats agree

• 14% overall say he was an “average” president; 11% of Republicans, 16% of independents and 13% of Democrats agree

• 3% overall say he was below average; 1% of Republicans, 3% of independents and 1% of Democrats agree.

• 2% overall say he was a failure; 2% of Republicans, 1% of independents and 3% of Democrats agree.

• 7% overall don’t know what kind of president he was; 3% of Republicans, 7% of independents and 8% of Democrats agree

Source: A Yahoo News poll of 1,564 U.S. adults conducted June 9-10.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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