- The Washington Times - Monday, June 1, 2020

There is no doubt that George Floyd’s death and the riots which followed in 147 cities nationwide proved to be a deeply disturbing series of events for every American, and likely for those in other nations which consider the U.S. to be the bulwark of freedom and sanity.

Meanwhile, the evolving situation is subject to interpretation by the media as major news organizations offer timelines, nonstop live updates and special presentations — even as a new poll reveals that only 9% of Americans have a great deal of trust in the press. See today’s Poll du Jour at column’s end for the numbers, complete with partisan breakdown.

Meanwhile, a few choice headlines from the last 24 hours:

“Trump and Biden call Floyd’s brother: Hear the difference” (CNN); “The double standard of the American riot” (The Atlantic); “Many claim extremists are sparking protest violence, but which extremists?” (The New York Times); “Michigan sheriff removes riot gear to join George Floyd protesters” (The New York Post); “All weekend, all over the country, we saw a police riot” (Esquire); “The rioters aren’t here to convince you” (New York Magazine); “Protests spread to Europe after six days of unrest in U.S.” (EuroNews.com); “Rev. Al: Don’t use George Floyd for anything else but George Floyd” (MSNBC).


“Americans volunteered in large numbers Sunday to erase the graffiti and remove the damage caused by the far-left Antifa rioters around the country.”

And so says Breitbart News analyst Neil Munro, who offered evidence of this trend through photo images and local reports from 16 major cites, including Seattle, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Las Vegas and Pittsburgh.


It must be part of the job description. Advice for President Trump continues to arrive regarding the aforementioned public unrest. The suggestions for Mr. Trump are issued publicly, and they can vary. Two brief examples:

“Is President Trump, after weathering attack after attack and crisis after crisis, now going to go down just by disgusting leftists? If he does, it will leave these maggots triumphant and pretty well spell the end of America — its rule of law, its opportunity, its goodness. America will become Nicaragua,” writes Monica Showalter, deputy editor of American Thinker.

“It’s never been more urgent to stop this, and it calls for loud strong leadership, a speech, some kind of presence. Trump needs to come out with fangs and claws — naming names, sending troops, defending the defenseless, and making it stop. We need to know it’s going to be OK,” she noted.

Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile told Fox News: “Speak to our pain, speak to the promise that this country has for all of us, Mr. President. Don’t even focus on what the people who disregard you might be saying. I think at times, this president takes it all in the chest. Don’t take it in the chest. Lead us into this tomorrow that we were all promised, Mr. President, and disregard the noise. Talk about the hope and the promise, Mr. President. You are bigger than this. Come to this moment with faith in our future.”


Project 21 is a nonprofit group founded shortly after the 1992 Los Angeles riots “to highlight black Americans willing to speak out for law and order and to show the political diversity of the black community,” according to the organization’s mission statement.

They have some thoughts regarding the week of national unrest following George Floyd’s death.

“Expressing grievances to our elected officials in the form of protest is a time-honored tradition. But what we are watching unfold across the country is a coordinated effort to destroy the rule of law and order in our communities and to gin up racial tension. In video after video, we see masked white protesters dressed all in black destroying property in black neighborhoods. And it’s blacks who are trying to stop the Antifa protesters from defacing small businesses,” says Stacy Washington, co-chairwoman of Project 21.

“President Trump has rightly suggested declaring Antifa a terrorist group. What we need is for everyone to take a step back. The officers who killed George Floyd will be tried and judged by a jury of their peers. That is the system of justice that we have and cherish here in America. I’m praying for peace,” Ms. Washington says.


Got eight months with nothing to do? Read on.

“As many around the world are staying at home in response to the global coronavirus pandemic, NASA is preparing for its next spaceflight simulation study and is seeking healthy participants to live together with a small crew in isolation for eight months in Moscow, Russia. The analog mission is the next in a series that will help NASA learn about the physiological and psychological effects of isolation and confinement on humans in preparation for Artemis exploration missions to the Moon and future long-duration missions to Mars,” the federal space agency says in a new public notice.

“NASA is looking for highly motivated U.S. citizens who are 30-55 years old and are proficient in both Russian and English languages. Requirements are: M.S., PhD., M.D. or completion of military officer training. Participants with a Bachelor’s degree and other certain qualifications (e.g., relevant additional education, military, or professional experience) may be acceptable candidates as well,” NASA continues. “If you seek a unique adventure and have a strong desire to contribute to space exploration, visit us at
https://www.nasa.gov/analogs/want-to-participate to learn how to participate.”


• 9% overall trust the news media “a great deal”; 5% of Republicans, 7% of independents and 17% of Democrats agree.

• 33% trust the news media “some”; 19% of Republicans, 29% of independents and 52% of Democrats agree.

• 32% overall trust the media “a little” 35% of Republicans, 38% of independents and 22% of Democrats agree.

• 25% overall do not trust the media at all; 42% of Republicans, 26% of independents and 9% of Democrats agree.

Source: A Yahoo/YouGov poll of 1,060 U.S. adults conducted May 29-30.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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