- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Philadelphia Eagles’ wide receiver DeSean Jackson went on social media and posted some outrageous anti-Semitic comments attributed to Adolph Hitler — that were actually not spoken by Adolph Hitler, but potatoes, potatoes on that — and the response from the collective in the left-leaning media and activist and political worlds was: yawn.

Oh Democrats, thy name is hypocrisy. Where are the loud leftist calls for apology? Where are the angry mobs in the streets tossing bricks on behalf of Jewish Lives Matter?

If a White player spoke of Blacks the way Jackson spoke of Jews — there wouldn’t just be a space to fill on the football field where that White player normally stood.

There’s be some serious jersey burning going on in the streets of America.

Here’s what Jackson posted on Instagram: “Hitler said, ’because the white Jews knows [sic] that the Negros are the real Children of Israel and to keep Americas secret the Jews will black mail America. The[y] will extort America, their plan to world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were. The white citizens of America will be terrified to know that all this time they’ve been mistreating and discriminating and lynching Children of Israel.”

According to The Philly Voice, the passage came from the book “Jerusalem,” and was a quote from “The Nazis World War II” — not specifically Hitler.

But Jackson wasn’t finished with his post.

He then stuck up a couple of photos of Louis Farrakhan — you know, the openly anti-Semitic, hate-filled Nation of Islam leader? And then Jackson wrote, beneath one photo: “This man powerful I hope everyone got a chance to watch this!! Don’t be blinded. Know what’s going on.”


What is going on, Mr. Jackson?

Because to an eyes-wide-opened nation, it appears as if anti-Semitism is what’s going on — egregiously so. Hypocritically so.

As former Eagles team president Joe Banner wrote on social media, NBC Sports reported: “If a white player said anything about AA’s [African Americans] as outrageous as what DeSean Jackson said about Jews … there would at least be a serious conversation about cutting him and a need for a team meeting to discuss. Which would be totally appropriate. Absolutely indefensible.”

Maybe Colin Kaepernick could come in and take a knee or something, in defense of the Jews, in protest of Jackson’s posts.

Jackson, in defense, said his post wasn’t anti-Semitics — and blamed readers for thinking so.

“Anyone who fees I have hate towards the Jewish community took my post the wrong way,” he wrote. “I have no hatred in my heart towards no one.”

It just seems that way, is all.

Just like it seems the left is hypocritically ignoring the fact that it seems that way.

It’s time to end the double standard.

Racism, anti-Semitism, bias and discrimination, stereotypical sayings, hate and ugliness and anger and ignorance and viciousness — these traits affect all people, all colors of people, all skin colors of all types of people. It’s time to recognize that truth and stop giving free passes on ugly rhetoric to one group that would be oh-so-loudly-and-quickly condemned in another.

That in itself is discriminatory.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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