By Associated Press - Monday, January 6, 2020

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Francis is advising people to reject “the god of money” as well as of that consumerism, pleasure, success and self.

Francis in his homily in St. Peter’s Basilica Monday to mark the Feast of the Epiphany, encouraged people to focus on serving others, not themselves.

He also urged faithful to concentrate on the essential by getting rid of what he calls “useless things and addictions” that numb hearts and confuse minds.

Closing out the Christmas season, the Epiphany celebration recalls the journey of the Magi, or Three Kings, to bring gifts to the baby Jesus.

The faithful, Francis said, should aid those suffering on life’s margins, saying Jesus is present in those people. Emphasizing a plank of his papacy, Francis said ”faith is not simply a set of fine doctrines,” but a call to love God.

In Milan, city officials were serving lunch in a hotel to 200 homeless people, as a way to bring holiday joy to the needy.

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