- Sunday, January 5, 2020

Back in the old days, when a politician abused their office and disrespected the people of the country there was a cry from the masses that they should be run out of town on a rail.

After watching House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her degenerate cohorts in crime play fast and loose with our laws, ruining the holidays for more than 62 million people by not submitting the phony impeachment charges to bring closure for the country, I believe Mrs. Pelosi should be run out of office. There should be zero tolerance for politicians who want to play head games with the president and the American people, which is precisely what Mrs. Pelosi is doing.

At the very least the laws to impeach a president should be changed, making a distinction between a high crime and a misdemeanor so the that the meaning can’t be misconstrued or manipulated the way it has been. Instead of disliking someone and charging them with vague acts against our country, there should be probable cause with actual, serious, on-the-books crimes, not something that can be taken two or three ways depending on who said what.

Mrs. Pelosi has said she has been trying to get rid of the president for two-and-a-half years. It makes you wonder how much work she and her confederates could have done in that time.


Warrenville, S.C.

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