- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 28, 2020

John Bolton, former national security adviser at the White House, could’ve penned a paragraph in his soon-to-be-released book about a picnic lunch with the president — and the press, the left, the Democrats would’ve found some way to turn his recorded conversation with Donald Trump into an impeachable offense.

That is to say: With this latest Bolton Bombshell, as the anti-Trumpers like to characterize it, it’s not so much what Bolton knew, or thought he know, or what Bolton wrote, as it is about timing.

The Senate was on fast-track to finish the impeachment charade and move on with business.

Democrats needed an issue to exploit, a scandal to stretch the discussions, a means of keeping impeachment alive.

Enter the curious leak of Bolton’s book to The New York Times. Enter a report about Bolton having the goods of a Trump quid pro quo with Ukraine. Voila, the next distraction from truth is born.

“If every word of this New York Times story is true,” tweeted radio host Mark Levin, “which I doubt as it’s another politically timed leak, how does this change anything? As a matter of FACT, there was no quid pro quo. And there’s still no evidence to the contrary.”

That is true.

But what is also true is the Democrats are committed to impeach and convict — have been since before Trump’s inauguration. And if it’s not Russia collusion and Russia conflict of interest, then it’ll be Ukraine quid pro quo, and if it’s not Ukraine qui pro quo, it’ll be bribery, and if it’s not bribery, it’ll be obstruction of Congress and abuse of power, and if it’s not obstruction of Congress and abuse of power, it’ll be Bolton’s first-hand, bombshell, golden key to impeachment book.

Democrats, right now, are rubbing hands in glee. Bolton has scored them a big win. It’s all about changing the narrative, expanding the Senate hearing, waving the magic wand as many times and in as many places as possible.

Both Sens. Mitt Romney and Susan Collins now think witness testimony from Bolton might be a good thing. Boom: Democrats squeezed ahead another inch.

This is not about truth. Or justice. Or the American people.

This is about hate and arrogance and elitism and, again, hate.

By hook or by crook, Democrats will drag out this show in the Senate, and they won’t stop until Republicans get it through their heads that Trump is guilty. Of what?

This week, of hiring Bolton and giving him fodder for a book that could be leaked and exploited to Democrats. Next week?

We’ll see. 

But make no mistake, next media cycle, next weekend, next week Trump’s offense will be somebody else. And then once again, Democrats will have what they need to prove he shouldn’t be president.

At least, that’s what we’ll be pressed to believe.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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