- The Washington Times - Friday, January 24, 2020

President Donald Trump, against the backdrop of an impeachment effort that’s been ongoing since Democrats realized he was about to be inaugurated, took a timeout from petty partisanship to speak of life — to make a historic, first-ever-for-a-president personal appearance at the March of Life in Washington, D.C. And he rocked it.

“When it comes to abortion,” Trump said, “Democrats have embraced the most radical and extreme positions taken and seen in this country.”

Like what?

Like in Virginia, where “the governor stated he would execute a baby after birth.”

In truth, the Gov. Ralph Northam didn’t exactly put it that way. But he did support a legislative attempt to allow for the abortion of babies as they were making their way down the birth channel, seconds from independent breathing.

“The far left,” Trump said, “is actively working to erase our God-given rights … and silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of human life.”

Other highlights of his speech: “Every human soul is divine and every human soul, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of God. Together, we will defend this truth.”

And this: “We declare that mothers are heroes.”

And this: “Everyone standing here today understands the universal truth [that] every child is a precious and sacred gift from God.”

And this, to the massive swell of youth who were in the audience: “Young people are the heart of the March for Life. … You are powered by prayer and motivated by pure unselfish love.”

It was a brief yet inspiring speech, all the more so because of its historic nature, and the fact that Trump made it while facing the political fight of his life.

Now, back to regularly scheduled programming: Democrats — no doubt fresh off the enraged wagon because of Trump’s double-whammy mention of God and babies in a pro-life setting — have some more impeachment lies to tell.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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