- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 23, 2020

Any way you look at it, the American idea that free men should and can govern themselves has hit a bit of a rough patch lately.

Half the country looks at President Trump and sees an orange monster out to destroy the world and run the country into the sewer. Clearly, in their eyes, his election is proof that half of their fellow countrymen should not be allowed to vote.

The other half turn on their TV sets and watch in total bafflement as House Democrats perform this endless, ridiculous, boring-to-death charade on the Senate floor about impeaching the president over charges that are not even low crimes, let alone high crimes. Serious question: Who in their right mind would vote for Rep. Adam Schiff or Jerold Nadler or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?

Seriously? These people should be wrapped up in straitjackets and hauled to the hooty-hooty and held there until they come to their senses and stop babbling about Russia and Putin and Ukraine and all the nonsense.

But the fact that there are actually thousands of free citizens out there who vote for these bozos — and write checks for their election campaigns! — raises serious questions about the whole radical concept of self-governance.

Meanwhile, across the pond, the prince of England has the good decency to impeach himself and spare his fellow countrymen all the tedium and stupidity of a rigged-up impeachment show trial.

Now, I have to admit, I am not normally much of a royal watcher. My basic view of the crown is that George Washington really dropped the ball at the end of the Revolutionary War.

Honestly, the great general should have borrowed some French ships from the Marquis de Lafayette and sailed the Continental Army over the Atlantic and carried the fight all the way to Buckingham Palace and beheaded every last one of them.

It would have spared us the War of 1812. We could have looted the place real good and entirely paid for the whole war. We could have stolen Canada. And, best of all, we would not have to still be listening to all these ridiculous and incomprehensible royals constantly complaining about the free press and whining about their threadbare lifestyles while riding around in Land Rovers and Bentleys.

So, whatever you think of Prince Harry’s decision to self-impeach, we can at least be thankful he spared his country — and the world — the ridiculous spectacle that we are now suffering through here in America.

One final, important point: Whatever you think of President Trump — and I happen to love just about everything about the guy — we can all agree that there is something to be learned from his amazing and historic election in 2016.

To me, the most important lesson is that in order to maintain an active, informed and engaged electorate, it is highly important that our leaders in government not be boring. American politicians had become rather hidebound and terribly boring in the years prior to Mr. Trump’s ascension.

In fact, the whole reason Mr. Trump won was by never being boring. The stupid media was so enthralled with all of his over-the-top antics and impolitic statements that they never paid attention to his actual policy agenda, which — radically — put “America First.”

To be certain, the royal formerly known as Prince Harry at least learned that lesson.

Charles Hurt can be reached at churt@washingtontimes.com and on Twitter on @charleshurt.

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