- Sunday, January 19, 2020

Times columnist Andrew P. Napolitano continues to argue that President Trump acted unlawfully in taking out a terrorist mastermind (“Shifting justification for the killing of Soleimani persists,” Web, Jan. 15). Since Congress has not declared war, he argues, the president had no authority to act.

You’d think this would give Democratic impeachniks the kind of smoking gun they so desperately crave. So why haven’t they used it? Could they fear Mr. Napolitano’s case doesn’t hold water?

In fact, it does not. Iran’s recent provocations, capped by its attempted takeover of our embassy (mention of which Mr. Napolitano omits), confirm that the ayatollahs have been conducting undeclared warfare against us for years. Not only can the president lawfully respond to acts of war, quickly and without asking, “May I?” but he has a duty to do so.

Recent demonstrations in Iran, denouncing the ayatollahs, no longer include chants of “Death to America.” Nor do they include American-flag burnings. Instead, protesters wave Old Glory in gratitude for Soleimani’s removal.

What if these protesters topple the ayatollahs? Who will the Iranian people, free at last, regard as their American friends? Probably not the impeachniks or Mr. Napolitano.


Alexandria, Va.

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