- Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Office Pool 2020

1) In 2020, President Donald Trump will …

a. start a war with Iran.
b. refuse to enforce Obamacare.
c. retain the core of Obamacare because he will have a change of heart.
d. be re-elected.

2) At the end of 2020 …

a. more American troops will be deployed around the world than are today.
b. the United States will be directly involved in a land war in Syria.
c. the United States will renounce its membership in NATO.
d. all American combat troops will be back home in the United States.

3) In 2020, Mr. Trump will …

a. issue more executive orders than President Barack Obama did in eight years.
b. direct the IRS to lower the top tax rate to 15 percent.
c. appoint former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition.
d. be very, very presidential.

4) In 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will …

a. reverse Roe v. Wade, thereby handing off the abortion controversy to the states.
b. rule that the right to carry arms outside the home is protected by the Second Amendment.
c. permit the execution of subpoenas on Mr. Trump’s tax and financial records.
d. have its oral arguments televised.

5) In 2020, Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will …

a. race to see who can hack the other more often.
b. proclaim their personal and eternal friendship to each other.
c. agree to produce a shirtless 2021 calendar together.
d. meet privately at Mar-a-Lago.

6) In 2020, WikiLeaks will release …

a. secret tapes of the meeting in Trump Tower between Mr. Trump and Kanye West.
b. Hillary Clinton’s favorite yoga positions.
c. proof that Bill Clinton is a crook.
d. emails showing where Barack Obama was born.

7) In 2020, Mr. Trump will …

a. wage a hostile takeover of NBC.
b. fire Lorne Michaels and hire the entire “Saturday Night Live” cast to work for The Trump Organization.
c. pick more fights than a fourth-grade schoolyard bully.
d. give up building the wall because the land on which he wants to build is owned by Republicans who won’t sell to the government.

8) In 2020, Chris Christie will …

a. attempt professional wrestling for his next career.
b. try a cable TV gig and hate it because it is too much work.
c. become a roadie for Bruce Springsteen’s next tour.
d. become the general manager of the George Washington Bridge.

9) In 2020, Sen. Lindsey Graham will …

a. cause a government shutdown.
b. announce that he will run for president in 2024.
c. be appointed to the Supreme Court.
d. be named president of the University of South Carolina.

10) In 2020, Mr. Trump will …

a. listen to Hillary Clinton stump speeches.
b. sit through a dinner with Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell arguing about Federal Reserve policy.
c. give a lecture at Princeton University about how bad a president was Woodrow Wilson.
d. host “Saturday Night Live.”

11) In 2020, the news media will …

a. embrace fake news 24/7 by establishing formal fake news outlets.
b. make billions covering the Trump administration.
c. be ostracized by Mr. Trump.
d. largely be very frustrated as Mr. Trump bypasses and ignores them.

12) In 2020, Mr. Obama will …

a. start a health insurance company.
b. become the president of the University of Chicago.
c. show up everywhere.
d. be shunned by fellow Democrats.

13) In 2020, the World Series will be won by …

a. the New York Yankees, after Gerrit Cole pitches a perfect game.
b. the Boston Red Sox.
c. the Los Angeles Dodgers.
d. the San Francisco Giants, after Nancy Pelosi and her super-rich husband buy the team.

14) In 2020, the Super Bowl will be won by …

a. the New York Giants, without Eli Manning at quarterback.
b. the Jacksonville Jaguars after Eli Manning throws a 99-yard Hail Mary pass with no time remaining on the clock.
c. the Detroit Lions.
d. the New England Patriots after yet another cheating scandal.

15) In 2020, global warming will be …

a. embraced by Mr. Trump.
b. exposed as a hoax.
c. largely forgotten.
d. the subject of another encyclical by Pope Francis.

16) One year from today …

a. Pope Francis will be voluntarily retired and living as a simple parish priest in a slum in Buenos Aires.
b. divorced and remarried Catholics will lawfully be able to receive the Holy Eucharist.
c. Roman Catholic cardinals will have deposed Pope Francis for heresy.
d. Antonin Scalia will be on his way to formal sainthood.

17) One year from today …

a. the United States will have imposed a 50 percent tariff on all goods made in China.
b. the Federal Reserve will be retaining artificially low interest rates.
c. the debt of the federal government will exceed $24 trillion.
d. all of the above.

18) One year from today …

a. we will all know how wealthy Mr. Trump is — or isn’t.
b. Al Gore will have announced that he will be running for president in 2024.
c. the Islamic State group will be history.
d. the current mayor of New York City and the current governor of New York state will be cellmates in a federal prison.

19) One year from today …

a. Hillary and Bill Clinton will be divorced.
b. Roger Clemens will be in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
c. the Trump family will have established Mar-a-Lago as the official White House.
d. more people will be on Obamacare than were in 2016.

20) In the long run …

a. everything the government has it has stolen.
b. everything the government says is a lie.
c. that government is best which governs least.
d. all of the above are true.

My choices are 1a and d, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7d, 8b, 9d, 10d, 11d, 12d, 13a, 14b, 15d, 16c, 17d, 18a, 19b and 20d.

Happy New Year.

• Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is a regular contributor to The Washington Times. He is the author of nine books on the U.S. Constitution.

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