- The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 26, 2020

GEORGETOWN, S.C. | Joseph R. Biden scored a public relations victory here Wednesday when House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina — a longtime friend and one of the nation’s most influential black leaders — threw his full weight behind the former vice president’s campaign for president.

For Mr. Biden, it all comes down to the Palmetto State, where he is scrambling to slow the momentum of Sen. Bernard Sanders, and scored a much-needed victory. Anything less in Saturday’s primary could be viewed as the kiss of death for Mr. Biden’s White House aspirations.

Ending months of speculation, Mr. Clyburn announced he was backing Mr. Biden and said South Carolinians should follow his lead.

“I have known for a long time who I would vote for, but I had not decided whether or not to share it with the public, but I want the public to know that I am voting for Joe Biden, South Carolinains should be voting for Joe Biden,” Mr. Clyburn said at a press conference in North Charleston.

“I know Joe, we know Joe, but most importantly Joe knows us,” he said.

Mr. Biden also addressed the South Carolina Ministers’ Breakfast hosted by the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in North Charleston.

The lineup of speakers included fellow 2020 contenders: Mr. Sanders; former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota; and former hedge fund executive Tom Steyer.

The late-innings endorsement from Mr. Clyburn could help steady Mr. Biden’s wobbly bid — particularly in the black community, which comprised 60% of the state’s primary electorate four years ago and cherishes the role Mr. Biden played as former President Barack Obama’s sidekick.

“It is great news for Biden,” said Brent Nelsen, political science professor at Furman University. “It does solidify his traditional African American base and that is what he is going to count on Saturday.”

“Biden is hanging onto a life preserver as it is,” Mr. Nelsen said. “If Clyburn hadn’t endorsed him it would have been like pulling the life preserver away from Biden and he would have sunk.”

Mr. Biden and his allies believe a strong victory here would reinforce his argument that he is the strongest alternative to Mr. Sanders’ far-left vision heading into the March 3 “Super Tuesday” states.

The Clyburn endorsement came after Mr. Biden delivered one of his most well-received debate performance in nearby Charleston on Tuesday. He used it as a chance to criticize Mr. Sanders past votes on gun control and support for Medicare for All.

At a campaign stop here Wednesday, South Carolina state Rep. Carl Anderson did some of Mr. Biden’s dirty work, cautioning voters that members of the GOP are urging their constituents to vote in the Democratic primary for Mr. Sanders.

“They know that our Vice President Joe Biden is the strongest candidate in this race,” Mr. Anderson said.

Mr. Biden, meanwhile, said Mr. Sanders push for Medicare for All vision is doomed on Capitol Hill.

“The Democrats don’t support it in the House and the Senate,” Mr. Biden said. “With me it is Medicare if you chose it, but you don’t have to take it. You can keep the plan you have if you like it.”

He also speculated that some of the votes that Mr. Sanders cast over the course of his long career in Congress could have made it easier for the white supremacist that killed nine parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston to acquire the weapons he used.

Patricia Butts, a black voter, said she is backing Mr. Biden because knows what the country needs to move forward.

“He has been down this road before,” the retired 65-year-old said. “I don’t think he is a man who is for some people, I feel like he is a man for all the people.”


• Seth McLaughlin can be reached at smclaughlin@washingtontimes.com.

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