- Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Vladimir Putin: Russia’s president continues to haunt Democrats, particularly after the latest reporting that he’s boosting Sen. Bernard Sanders for the party’s presidential nomination.

Uncle Dick, Amy Klobuchar’s Gun Guru: “I look at these proposals and say, ’Do they hurt my uncle Dick on the deer stand?”

The Naked Cowboy: Michael Bloomberg gives the Times Square street performer a free plug.

Mayor Pete: Captured the fear of many voters in framing a Trump-Sanders election as a choice between the 1950s and the 1960s.



Joe Biden’s miscues: The former VP claims 150 million have been killed in shootings since 2007 — which amounts to close to half of the nation’s population.

Michael Bloomberg’s canned jokes: The robotic delivery is cringeworthy.

Tom Steyer: Was he auditioning for “The Invisible Man”?

Debate rules: Everybody talked over somebody else, with Mr. Biden at one point snapping “I’m not going to be quiet anymore, OK!”

The debate moderators: They completely lost control.

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