- Sunday, February 23, 2020

I wonder how many people are rolling on the ground, laughing at Barack Obama’s recent attempt at taking ownership of the Trump economy (“Obama is jealous of Trump’s economy,” Web, Feb. 18). I predicted to my liberal friends that the Trump tax cuts would lead to prosperity (as such cuts always do) and that Mr. Obama would then claim that his stimulus was finally kicking in.

Sure, the stock market improved under Mr. Obama, but it was due to companies cutting employees, closing stores and moving out of the country. Our current market increase is due to expansion, more people working and higher product demand. Likewise, some unemployment numbers went down under Mr. Obama, but it was due to people giving up on looking for work and being removed from the statistics. Under Mr. Trump, the numbers are down due to more people actually working. How soon people forget that there was a two-year period under Mr. Obama during which even college graduates could not find jobs. Finally, the real statistic for focus is the number of people actually working now — and I’ve read that it’s about 5 million more than were in the workforce under Mr. Obama.


Canfield, Ohio

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