- The Washington Times - Friday, February 21, 2020

The New York Times just released a report about the intelligence community’s concerns that Russia is winding into gear to reelect President Donald Trump this November.

Make way for the Russia Collusion Two, same as the first: all lies, lots of impeachable possibilities.  

Is this The Times’ way of laying the groundwork for another Robert Mueller-like investigation of Team Trump’s supposed sneaky alliance with Russia to skew 2020 White House election results? Methinks maybe.

This is what the newspaper reported: “Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Re-Elect Trump.”

Seriously, the only response here should be: Trump? Insert disingenuous tone here.

If Russia wanted anyone to win the White House, it sure as heck wouldn’t be Trump. Sen. Bernie Sanders, about as communist as they come, would seem the natural Russia pick. But any of the Democrats would serve Russia well. None of the Democrats put America first.

On top of that, Democrats have made clear their impeachment failure of Trump would not go unchallenged. In other words, they’re gearing for more impeachment; they’re digging for more impeachable offenses.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tweeted, in the wake of The Times report, “now we know why” Republicans block certain election-related pieces of legislation — not because of concerns over federalizing what the Constitution makes clear should be a state issue (elections), but because “they’d rather let Putin win that stand up to President Trump,” The Hill reported.

Hear that?

That’s the sound of another Russia collusion charge being laid. That’s how Democrats work: They float some deceptions, quietly at first; they watch as their partners in the media float the deceptions farther; and then they capitalize on the abundance of the media reports to pretend as if the floated deceptions have become widespread American concerns that demand congressional investigation.

And if it first they don’t succeed, they try, try again.

Russia collusion, ridiculous as it was the first time around, is not necessarily dead to Democrats.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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