- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Michael Bloomberg, according to various media reports, has been funding state attorney general offices and paying the salaries of key, politically liberal-leaning attorneys general — a practice that gives all appearances of buying law enforcement on the local and state levels.

And danger, danger, Will Robinson — danger: This is what George Soros does, too.

The problem is the perceived purchase of political influence.

First, a look at Bloomberg: According to Fox News and other media outlets, the presidential hopeful has been funding the attorney general offices in at least 10 Democratic-controlled venues to press legal cases tied to the climate change and environmentalism.

“The New York University School of Law’s State Energy & Environmental Impact Center, which was started in 2017 with $5.6 million from Bloomberg’s nonprofit [Bloomberg Philanthropies], hires mid-career lawyers as ’research fellows’ before providing them to state AGs where they assist in pursuing ’progressive’ policy goals through the courts,” Fox wrote. “The NYU State Impact Center currently has attorneys placed in the AG offices for Washington, D.C., Delaware, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York and Oregon.”

The common denominator for all these offices?

They’re all headed by Democratic attorneys general.


Interesting and perhaps, given Bloomberg’s quest for the White House, ethically questionable.

Interesting, ethically questionable and — akin to what George Soros does.

In June, The Washington Post reported how a PAC funded by Soros spent almost $1 million to sway influence with voters into several races for local prosecutors’ and commonwealth’s attorney offices in Virginia. Shortly after, The New York Times reported how Soros spent nearly another $1 million to elect a progressive to a local district attorney race. And in 2018, money trails and media reports showed how Soros, through his California Justice & Publicly Safety PAC, kicked in another $1 million or so in several district attorney races in various California spots.

With Soros and his open border quest buying up prosecutorial influence at the local level and now, Bloomberg, with his funding of legal minds to fight for all-things-regulatory tied to environmentalism at the same local level, one has to wonder: Where’s a guy or gal go to get real justice any more?

If Soros and Bloomberg are allowed to spread their far-leftist visions into America’s system of law and justice at the local levels, chaos will come. Open borders are bad enough; illegals roaming the streets committing crimes are horrific enough. But climate change can be linked by the left to control about every aspect of human life, from building a business to paying a mortgage.

The possibilities for Bloomberg-bought court crack-downs on individual freedoms are endless.

Simply put, the left could well have a lock on local justice.

Think about it; think about that scenario; think about where a citizen might go for law and order, for fair legal outcomes, for a local governing system based on true constitutional principles. Yikes.

It gives a whole new meaning to the adage, “You can’t fight city hall.”

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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