- The Washington Times - Monday, December 7, 2020

Judge Jeanine Pirro used her latest Fox News televised platform to rip into Attorney General William Barr and label him a creature of the deep state for his failures to investigate the election count — or, at the very least, for failing to acknowledge a widespread problem with the election count.

The remarks are most notable because they underscore the state of the nation.

This country is rapidly being split into believers versus non-believers. That is to say: If you think this election was tainted by fraud and that President Donald Trump actually won, stand on this side of the country. If you think Joe Biden won and allegations of election fraud are the stuff of conspiracy nonsense, stand on that side.

That’s how the Georgia debate was cast, in part.

“Georgia Republican Senator Loeffler dodges questions on Trump during debate with challenger Warnock,” Reuters wrote in a headline. The story opened: “Senator Kelly Loeffler danced around questions about whether President Donald Trump lost the Nov. 3 election in a debate with her Democratic challenger. … Loeffler sidestepped a question about whether she agreed with Trump’s baseless claims that last month’s election was ’rigged.’”

Apparently, Reuters — opining “baseless claims” — is on the side of non-believer. Along with Fox News host Chris Wallace.

“Fox News anchor Chris Wallace interrupted Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on this week’s broadcast of ’Fox News Sunday’ after Azar referred to Joe Biden as ’the Vice President’ rather than ’president elect,’” Breitbart wrote. “Wallace asked, ’If President Trump had worn a mask then and urged everyone to wear a mask then, back in April, the way Joe Biden is right now, wouldn’t we be in much better shape?’ Azar said, ’We welcome Vice President Biden to the club. Since the middle of April the president’s guidelines have called for … ’ Wallace interjected, ’He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect.’”

One side this; one side that.

This election has done little to unite America. In fact, quite the opposite. The lines dividing the camps have grown deeper.

From Pirro: “This week, Barr commented that he has not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. Really? It’s curious, Barr, the head of the DOJ, would affirmatively make a statement regarding a pending investigation. As a former prosecutor for over three decades, I, and virtually everyone similarly situated, know that DOJ guidelines do not allow comments on investigations. They neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation. Yet, Barr actually goes beyond that. … Why would he even share information on a pending investigation? It’s just not done.”

Pirro then listed the long list of reasons the election results are suspect. And it’s a long list. And after listing, she answered her own question about Barr’s motives to speak: “You, Mr. Barr, are so deep in the swamp you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles.”

The divide grows deeper.

And Pirro’s right — the American people want answers. More than that, the American people won’t unite until the election questions are fully answered. This divide isn’t disappearing with Inauguration Day.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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