- The Washington Times - Friday, December 4, 2020

Joe Biden is on a roll — and if you don’t believe that, ask CNN. You know, the cable news network just caught on Project Veritas tape bashing President Donald Trump and covering for Hunter Biden?

Anyhow, Joe Biden’s roll: As CNN’s Jake Tapper and Don Lemon gushed, here’s a guy who gave all the “right answers” during a recent interview.

That’s code for: Oh my God! He stayed awake the whole time!

And when you consider Biden’s basement campaign for president, that’s actually quite a commendable accomplishment.

From Lemon, about Biden’s thoughts on Trump’s attendance at the January inauguration: “I thought this was a very important question and a great answer from him, when you said is it important for the current president is at your inauguration and he laughed and everyone knew what he was thinking, and then he went on to give, I thought, a great answer. He said it’s important to the country, that the country sees a smooth transition. That is what we need, Jake.”

Good boy, Joe Biden. There’s a good boy. (Insert gentle head pats here.)

From Tapper: “Yeah. I mean, there certainly was a lot of the right answers, in terms of the Justice Department is not mine, it’s the people’s Justice Department and you know, I’m not going to do this, I’m not going to do that. And obviously, we’ll see. The proof will be in the pudding, but yeah.”

That’s a good boy, J.B. Here, have a cookie.

Take another for staying awake.

Take yet another for not drooling during the discussion.

Is this what the American public is to expect for four years of a Biden administration?

Compare that to CNN when Trump was entering office — when CNN’s finest and brightest came out calling for watchdogging, vowing to shift into high investigative reporter gear, doubling down on their roles as protector of the people, protector of the Constitution.

We’ve gone from that — to nicely done, Joe. You kept your composure. You kept from falling over.

You kept your spit in your mouth. 

Well, as weak as that reporting is, let’s hope at least that report doesn’t change as the years go by.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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