- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sen. Marco Rubio just called out Anthony Fauci in a penned piece posted on Fox News as a lying liar who arrogantly used his position as the nation’s top infectious disease bureaucrat to lie to the American people “in order to manipulate their behavior.” It’s a good piece; a crucial read.

But readers, take note: Why be surprised?

Fauci is a long-time entrenched government bureaucrat.

More than that, he’s a humanist — meaning, he takes his moral compass from his own mind. He has little-to-no concern with the stuff of higher authority — the constraints that come from fears of heavenly accountability.

“I was excited to learn from a 2015 C-SPAN interview that the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci, calls himself a humanist,” as one commenter at TheHumanist.com wrote.

An atheist in charge of U.S. government, policy, economics, education and constitutional freedoms, as they relate to coronavirus response — what could go wrong, right?

And for those who argue humanists aren’t atheists — this: “[H]umanists are committed to being good without a God,” TheHumanist.com also wrote.

So here we are, Coronavirus 2020, headed deep into Coronavirus 2012 territory — with a far left duo seemingly headed into the White House — and we find Fauci has been deceptively deceiving the American public on the truths of herd immunity. Or, at least on the supposed truths as he sees it for COVID-19 herd immunity.

It’s called lying to the American people.

“I am sure that Dr. Fauci … made the decision to mislead with nothing but good intentions,” Rubio wrote. “However, let’s be clear about what he was doing: lying to the American people in order to manipulate their behavior.”

Rubio also wrote: “I am appalled by his arrogance. If he wants to lead the nation, he should run for office. Otherwise, he should give us an honest and transparent reading of the science … and let the rest of us — policymakers and the American people who have elected them — do our jobs.”

Yep. Rubio’s right. Fauci’s wrong.

It’s an outrage.

But it’s hardly a shocker.

From American times beginning, founders warned about the potentials of government to overreach, to abuse power, to arrogantly assume positions and roles to which they have no rightful claim. From America’s founding, framers cautioned of the need for citizens to stay on the watch and guard their individual freedoms against constantly striving, overreaching political power-grabbers.

From biblical beginnings, God warned about the potential of Satan to deceive.

Fauci, a creature of government, a plaything of satanic influences, is nothing less than expected with his deceits.

“[P]lacing blind faith in unelected celebrity scientists,” Rubio warned, “has its limits, and we must not be afraid to call them out when they’re caught overstepping their legitimate authority.”


And with Fauci, the call-out is long overdue.

He’s a guy who’s been given too much power to influence free citizens’ lives.

He’s unelected. He’s largely unaccountable to the people. He’s atheist, which speaks volumes about his character, his moral compass and his understanding of American Exceptionalism and basic founding and constitutional principles. And he’s just been outed for lying.

The path is clear: He has to go.

Americans, already suffering the coronavirus squeeze, already suffering the hypocrisies and double-talk of overreaching Democratic governors who are using COVID-19 to gain political advantage, don’t need yet another deceptive tongue telling them what to do. And that’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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