- Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sen. Kelly Loeffler was too politically correct in her accusation that Raphael Warnock is anti-Israel (“Democrats on defense over backing by BLM,” Page I, Dec. 29). Mr. Warnock’s BLM association puts more focus on his bias.

In his role as a pastor, Mr. Warnock has falsely overridden both Jewish and Christian history. He claimed Jesus was a Palestinian. Aside from the fact that the term “Palestina” was first applied to the Israel/Judea region by the Romans 150 years after Jesus lived, to deny Jesus’ Jewish birth and life is to deny his crucifixion (as Islam does), the underpinning of Christianity.

The Arabs conquered and colonized the Jews and Christians of the Holy Land in the 7th century. Jesus was not an Arab or Muslim or Palestinian. Mr. Warnock knows this.


Author, “Unfinished Work”

Deerfield Beach, Fla.

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