- Sunday, December 27, 2020

It’s hard to believe President-elect Joe Biden and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would have the chutzpah to butt to the front of the vaccine line ahead of millions of far more deserving recipients. For their behavior and dishonesty regarding President Trump’s efforts against the coronavirus, these two should have been last in line for the vaccination.

During the campaign, Mr. Biden made the coronavirus his central issue. And throughout the campaign he bellyached about Mr. Trump’s ’lack’ of a COVID-19 plan. In fact, Mr. Biden lied and deliberately distorted the facts surrounding Mr. Trump’s efforts to get a handle on this little-known, little-understood virus. And he and the mainstram media refused to cheer as the president sent hundreds of millions of dollars to researchers and pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments and vaccines. Yet now that vaccines are here, albeit in limited supplies, Mr. Biden jumps to the front of the line.

AOC, too, should have been kicked to the back of the line for her lying and ignorance of Mr. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. This socialist twit’s immaturity and stupidity are a disservice to her constituents in the Queens borough of New York City. Yet in spite of her dismal performance during her first term in elected office, her constituents overwhelmingly reelected her.

The hypocrisy, lying and ineptitude of these radical ingrates knows no limits. Now Mr. Biden boldly asks everyone to let bygones be bygones and ’come together.’ Give me a break. The 2020 election outcome is so smelly that not even Limburger lovers can stand it.


Silver Spring, Md.

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