- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Radio host Rush Limbaugh blasted President-elect Joseph R. Biden this week for telling the nation that its “darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us.”

The conservative icon made the comments during an inspirational speech regarding his fight with stage-4 terminal lung cancer.

“Folks, I have to tell you, if I were president-elect of the country, it’s the last thing I would say,” Mr. Limbaugh said Wednesday. “Even if I believed it, I doubt that I would put it this way. But I don’t believe this anyway. Our darkest days are ahead of us? What a bleak way of looking at things. … [It’s] weird, given that Biden has repeatedly claimed that it’s Trump who’s killing Americans with COVID.”

Mr. Limbaugh said that terminal cancer has only re-enforced his stance that “there’s good that happens in everything” and that perseverance coupled with faith allows “the good” in a specific tribulation to “reveal itself.”

“Lou Gehrig, the Iron Horse, New York Yankees, set the record for consecutive games played until Cal Ripken came along decades later and broke it,” the host said. “And on the day that Lou Gehrig announced that he had his disease that was forcing him to retire from Major League Baseball, he said to the sold-out Yankee Stadium, ’Today I feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth.’

“I didn’t understand that. I mean, here’s a guy who’d just been diagnosed with the most terminal of terminal diseases, and I said, ’This can’t be real. He can’t really think he’s the luckiest guy in the world.’ … Well, when I got my diagnosis and when I began to receive all of the outpouring of love and affection from everywhere in my life from so many of you in so many ways and from my family — who, man, they have supported me my entire career.”

Mr. Limbaugh said that he did not know what 2021 would bring in terms of his cancer fight, but he implored his audience to reject Mr. Biden’s “darkest days” expectations.

“Our freedom has allowed our adaptability,” he said. “If disaster is coming our way, we don’t just sit there and endure it. We come up with ways to avoid it, to beat it back, to overcome it, but we don’t just sit there and accept it. And, as such, we don’t just resign ourselves to the fact that they’re living in the darkest days because we, at least to this point, still have the greatest degree of freedom of any people on earth.

“Now, it’s under assault and under attack and we all know this. But I don’t believe our darkest days are ahead of us. I never have. People have been asking, ’You’ve always told us you’d tell us when it’s time to panic. Is it time?’ It’s never time to panic, folks. It’s never, ever gonna be time to give up on our country. It will never be time to give up on the United States.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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