- Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I am a supporter of democracy, so I think the Electoral College should be abolished. Electors get paid to vote for candidates; isn’t it wrong to pay someone to vote? And isn’t it wrong to require a voter to vote for someone for whom they don’t want to vote? Most electors are required to vote for a certain candidate. What about “one person, one vote?” Electors get to vote twice for president.

If allowing electors to choose a president on a national level is a good idea, then why not allow electors to choose governors at the state level? You could create an “Electoral High School.”

Some say we should keep the current system because it’s what the Founding Fathers wanted. The Founding Fathers wanted senators to be chosen by state legislators. And they wanted the person who came in second for president to become vice president. Can you imagine if Joe Biden’s VP was Donald Trump?

The Electoral College needs to be abolished.


Greensboro, N.C.

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