- Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The current fiasco of voter fraud and party corruption could have been avoided if the republic had followed the Constitution as the Founders intended. However, career politicians started to corrupt our founding ideas and principles almost from the beginning. One of the earliest constitutional programs to be corrupted was the Electoral College. By 1824, career politicians had found a way to circumvent the system.

The framers of the Constitution created the Electoral College specifically because they feared the tyrannical rule of the majority that existed under a true democracy. They recognized that urban centers often had a different agenda than rural areas. Hence they envisioned a system where rural areas would have a nearly equal say. The concept of the Electoral College was that each electoral district would have one vote based on the popular vote in that district. The Founders also believed that the states would distribute the two electoral votes allotted for the two senators based on the popular vote across the state. The Constitution gave the states the responsibility and authority to execute their input into the Electoral College with the expectation that they would implement it as designed.

Between 1804 and 1824, power-hungry career politicians created thewinner-takes-all” electoral system, thus negating the founding principle of equal influence for more sparsely populated areas. Thus a heavily populated city or metropolitan area would have the greatest say in electoral voting, essentially disenfranchising the more sparsely populated areas that might not vote for the same candidate.

If the Electoral College were used as initially intended, there would be little doubt about who had won this year’s election. Electoral votes by individual district would have strongly favored President Trump.


Fairfax, Va.

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