- Sunday, December 13, 2020

With media blackout on all things Biden, from gaffes galore to senile socialism, to begging the rich to pay their “fair share” of taxes while Joe, Jimmy and Hunter receive under-the-table income from lethal communists in exchange for White House influence, we are living in a dimension of surreal stupidity fit for a Mel Brooks movie.

Joe Biden is more interesting fully asleep than he is flip-flopping for votes. When voters are asked about Zombie Joe, “bringing people together” is about all they can extract from his stated policies.

If anyone in the process of buying a house from an agent had found as much false advertisement as we’ve gotten from Mr. Biden — from inflated upkeep costs to open borders in the backyard — they would pull out of their signed contract in a flash. Mr. Biden’s “plans” for the U.S. amount to a con job, not worth the paper they’re written on.

Joe Biden is not the president. He was carried as a place-holder for Kamala Harris, the daughter of a Marxist professor. Ms. Harris hides her true intentions, as all communists do. What she wants is a system that works well for the few, not the many; super-capitalism for crooks who sell swamp land for a living.

I know. I am Cuban and saw Fidel Castro commit this same farce, but better. At least he could speak for hours on a podium with energy. Joe is better at snoring.



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