- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A new poll from Gallup shows that 85% of American parents who identify as Democrats worry their children will contract COVID-19, but only 29% of those who say they’re Republican express similar concerns.

That’s about right. Democrats, by nature, are fear-filled scaremongers.

They are frightened at whatever fright the media and government put forth. And the reason they’re frightened is because they place near-absolute trust in the media and government, while simultaneously scoffing God and biblical principles and religious teachings.

They’re learned in the ways of human education but devoid of all powers of higher discernment. They place their trust in those with the most degrees, and follow blindly the most expressive scholar, the most illustrious scientist, the smoothest-talking politician — even to the point of blind hero worship.

That makes them educated idiots. Educated idiots driven by fear — who want everyone else in the nation to cower and cater to their fears as well.

The coronavirus, like no other tool has shown the power of fear to control and divide a nation. And even as the truthful science of the virus continues to cast question marks over the government’s response to the virus — the overhyped numbers, the skewed numbers, the falsely reported numbers, versus the utter crackdown on individual rights and complete shuttering of normal society — even as these truths are coming to light, more and more, day after day, it’s the Democrats and the Democratic-controlled jurisdictions that are insisting on a continued state of national emergency.

Rational-minded Americans look at the curious headlines of false positives from Florida and wonder, hmm, what’s going on here? Democrats look at the curious headlines of false positives from Florida and think — President Donald Trump must not win another White House term. And since Joe Biden is such a subpar candidate, the way to keep Trump from winning the White House this November is to keep the country in as much chaos as possible. Closed schools leads to kids at home leads to parents in work-place predicaments leads to tense, anxious, worrisome, fearful futures. Bingo. There’s the oh-so-delicious fear factor.

So they dig in and send out the media dogs to howl more about deaths and COVID-19 cases and sick kids and amputations from the coronavirus.

“Nick Cordero, Broadway star, had his leg amputated due to coronavirus complications,” CNN shrilly blasted forth in April.

As if COVID-19 makes your legs fall off.

As if those who don’t stay home and listen to the government and the government’s shills in the media will lose their legs, too.

This is the way of the Democrats — to use fear to control, manipulate and ultimately, seize power.

They’re scared rats; they’re educated idiots; they’re ungrounded, ungodly emotion-driven wisps that blow in political winds.

And that’s fine; it’s a free country. Democrats are free to be as unthinking as they like. But it’s not enough for leftists to be fear-filled themselves. They want everybody to be as fear-filled — as pliable and vulnerable and easy to shape and control. That makes them a threat to the country. That makes them dangerous to freedom.

Democrats are afraid to send their children to school. But it’s not enough for them to keep their own kids home from school. They want to control how other parents parent their children; how other schools school their students; how other jurisdictions decide on education.

Democrats use fear for political gain.

And in the case of calling for schools to stay shut, they’re quite willing to sacrifice the children — theirs, yours, mine — for the goal of getting Biden elected. It’s despicable. But it’s true.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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