- The Washington Times - Monday, August 31, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put out some new statistics and statements that have set the social media and medical worlds on fire — in large part, because of the agency’s conclusion, that went like this: “For 6% of the deaths” due to the coronavirus, “COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned” by authorities.

There’s an “are you kidding me!” screaming moment for ya. Just the type of thing shut-down, closed-down, bankrupted restaurant owners in New York City might say after reading that little bit of comorbidity information.

And quite rightly so.

After all, America’s entire economic wheel was ground to a halt by medical pinheads — make that, unelected, unaccountable-to-the-people pinheads — who saw a virus and flipped. We could all die, all the experts said.

We could all die from this deadly, unknown virus that spreads by touching, err, make that, by sneezing, err, make that by breathing. So went the medically induced panic. And shortly after, so went the politically induced panic.

Problem was: nobody had a handle on the numbers.

Nobody had the statistics that could show, truthfully, that is, how many caught the virus versus how many died from the virus versus how many fully recovered from the virus versus how many carried the virus in their systems, but felt no symptoms.

It was a full-speed-ahead torpedoing of America’s businesses, America’s economy, America’s social outlets, America’s schools, America’s churches. Stay home, stay off the streets, wait for the taxpayer stimulus check to buy some food, to pay some bills. Devastation. Destruction. Suicidal — and suicide-driving, sad to say.

Now the CDC finds this: “Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% off the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

Like what?

Like influenza and pneumonia. Like respiratory ailments and failures; Like high blood pressure and diabetes. Like vascular conditions and even dementia. Like heart troubles and heart failures. Even, like poisonings.

In layman’s, that means that all the people who’ve died from COVID-19, haven’t, well, quite actually, truly, reaaallly died from COVID-19.

They’ve died from other stuff. But they’ve also tested positive for COVID-19. So COVID-19 maybe, perhaps, quite possibly, thought then again, quite possibly not, contributed to the death. COVID-19 was a contributing factor. COVID-19 was perhaps a final straw factor.

But in 94% of the so-called COVID-19 deaths — COVID-19 was not the only condition that led to death.

It’s like this: A guy goes to the hospital for treatment of a heart attack. The doctor finds his blood pressure soaring, and his vascular system in distress. He’s having difficulty breathing — he shows signs of respiratory failure. Hmm, which came first, the breathing problem or the heart attack? Could it be the breathing difficulty is attributed to the cold clamp on blood flow to his heart? Could be, could be. No matter — the guy tests positive for COVID-19. It’s a COVID-19 death!

Let’s hope this is a few-and-far-between scenario.

There are a lot of suffering Americans out there — and it’s not due to COVID-19 so much as to the political and medical bureaucratic response to COVID-19.

The word that’s starting to come to mind is bogus.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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