- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Democrats have announced plans to give Black Lives Matter a special place of elevated honor at the 2020 convention, to discuss the party’s specially elevated themes: racial injustice, racial inequality, police brutality based on race. 

In so doing, they’ve cemented their image as the party of radicals — party of lost souls, party of Marxists and Marxist-minded.

“The Black Lives Matter movement has given voice to the deep-seated inequality that has plagued our nation since its inception,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez, The Hill reported. “The Democratic Party shares in their commitment to justice and hears their demands for change. When we nominate Joe Biden to be our standard-bearer, we will not miss this moment to ensure those values are reflected in everything we do.”

Does that mean the Democrats are vowing to burn down the country? ’Cause that’s kind of what the BLM leader for Greater New York kind of said during a widely reported June interview on Fox News — kind of, anyway. He refused to clarify.

“I said,” Hawk Newsome told Martha MacCallum, speaking of earlier comments he made she asked about, “[that] if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking … figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.”

He also said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”

He also said, “I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary.”

The purposeful vagueness allows for ducking and dodging responsibility. It’s a call for violence in a way that allows for plausible deniability about the call for violence. And it’s ambiguity the DNC is taking and running with, via its convention push for rightings of “racial inequality” wrongs — the code words by which Democrats are vowing that a White House, under former Vice President Joe Biden, would lead America down a very different path from what Founding Fathers envisioned.

It’s a path that would use activism and street violence, the old Marxist way, to bring about mass governmental overhaul and political and societal reforms.

“We will not miss this moment to ensure [BLM] values are reflected in everything we do,” as Perez had said.

“By any means necessary,” as Newsome might say. Did say, as a matter of fact.

Law and order? Limited government? Let the Constitution be the guide? Nope. Burn it down.

“Burn down this system and replace it” — that’s the BLM movement’s way. As the DNC has made clear, that’s the way of the Democrats, as well.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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