- The Washington Times - Monday, August 17, 2020

How come every time a Democrat runs a woman for a political race, the gender card has to be thrown?

It’s such a tired line of politicking. It’s cheap. It’s boring and unimaginative. It’s aimed simply at stopping all dissenting debates. Yet it’s the Democrats’ go-to when the get-up-and-go oompf of their chosen female candidate has failed to get up and go oompf.

The latest — but surely not the last — gender card play came from Valerie Jarrett, former Barack Obama White House whisperer, who was on MSNBC and fielding a question from host Kasie Hunt about a recent New York Times column, “The Undertold, Undersold Story of Kamala Harris,” and its line, “As a prosecutor, she can make you tremble. But as a trailblazer, can she make you cry?”

It’s a stupid question; a stupid line. Nobody really cares if Harris can make America cry — that is to say, if Harris is possessed of the traits normally associated with the gentler sex.

But Jarrett jumped to draw political arrows anyway.

She wondered if the same would be written about a man.

Yawn. Yawn, yawn, snore more.

“Would you ask the same thing of a man? Would you use the same language, in the same way, to describe a man? This whole issue about whether women are mean or nasty or ambitious — what’s wrong with ambition? Who, in their right mind, wants to be president or vice president of the United States, who isn’t ambitious? This is a teaching moment,” Jarrett said, as Breitbart noted, “not just for the media, but I think for America to say women are going to be moving to positions of power, and you better get used to it. And you better treat us equally. Level playing field.”

One can nearly smell the burning bra material now.

But isn’t it the Democratic Party that pushes the idea that there are more than two sexes — that men can be women and women can be men and men and women can be entirely genderless if only they so choose?

In other words: Democrats tossing gender cards are Democrats who are trying to have it both ways.

You can’t argue that the sexes are without sex — that sex is simply a matter of choice — and then cry when a female Democrat is treated like a, gasp, female. ’Cause there’s no such thing as male and female, remember?

The real “teaching moment, not just for the media, but … for America” here is for Jarrett and her Democratic friends to remember: It didn’t work for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and it won’t work for Harris in 2020. Tossing the gender card, in an age where it’s being argued gender and sex are fluid personal choices, is laughable.

But we all know why Democrats do it anyway.

Democrats have nothing of substance to offer the country, so they must distract from their nothingness with piddly arguments and ginned up issues and pretend offenses. In this Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket, this is just the first of many gender cards to come.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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