- Thursday, August 13, 2020

We’re all too familiar with the laundry lists of crimes against humanity, committed by the murderous regime in Iran, crimes of terror against their own citizens and others throughout the world. We must expose this regime and their reign of terror by doing what we can, with what we have, where we are. We must demonstrate on the streets. We must work with the governing bodies of our respective countries to bring political and economic pressure on this repressive regime. We must demand that the world court try these criminals for their crimes against humanity. We must support the men and women who are willing to do what they are able to do inside of this repressive regime in Iran. We must encourage them to take the risk from freedom by supporting them. We, in fact, give humanity and freedom a fighting chance within this great people. We must be points of light in the shadow of darkness brought about across the globe and across the great country of Iran. We must be agents of change. We must be willing to take the risk, to be supportive, to demand action internationally against this regime of darkness and terror.

I encourage you through our meeting today to ban together and to commit to one another that you will be a force for change, a point of light, and a supporter of the agents who are advancing humanity in Iran today.

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